Monday, August 24, 2009

My Sacrifice For My Family

I save money just in case I wanted to buy something for myself like gadgets or materials for assignments & projects. Just before summer vacation, I decided to spare some of my allowance to be able to afford a PSP so I can use it during summer.

My sister is a very busy college student, she often gets sick & when the time came when the electric bill's deadline for payment was near & we still needed money for my sister's medication, I contributed my savings for my sister's medicine & also for the better of my family.

Although I did not get the chance to buy myself a PSP, I am very happy & had no regrets because I felt proud that even though I am the youngest in the family, I was still able to help my parents & siblings with family problems like this. And also because of my sacrifice that me & my family were able to surpass yet another obstacle testing the bonds of our family.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

About Myself...

I am Anna Celina A. Desiderio. My friends call me Celina and sometimes Anna. I was born on April 21, 1996 & I am 13 yrs old.

I like to draw & someday I would also like to learn how to paint. For my pastime activities, I usually read mangas or watch anime shows.
I like playing computer games,
I enjoy eating or having picnics with my friends & family. I like eating pasta especially lasagna.
I love eating sweet things like cakes, muffins & cookies
I adore purple-colored things, I also like the colors, orange,blue & green.