Saturday, December 5, 2009

Maguindanao Pearls

A short but meaningful story, “Maguindanao Pearls” shows us how people of Maguindanao and Filipinos truly respect and value their culture and laws to the extent of sacrificing their own family.
It emphasizes on how two typical Filipino women were bounded by their customs and traditions.
It also highlighted the love of Filipinos for their families.
It is beyond doubt, a beautiful story about a lady who comes from a rich family who is obsessed by love and a simple village girl both falling in love with the same man.

Lakambini, daughter of the rajah, was determined to capture the heart of the son of the chief of Pasigan, Walang Gulat. There was nothing wrong in falling in love but it was immoral of her to separate Walang Gulat and Sinag-Tala who were madly in love with each other. She did not think about the consequences of her actions and even led to great misfortune, Sinag-Tala dying in her arms as she begs for forgiveness.

Monday, August 24, 2009

My Sacrifice For My Family

I save money just in case I wanted to buy something for myself like gadgets or materials for assignments & projects. Just before summer vacation, I decided to spare some of my allowance to be able to afford a PSP so I can use it during summer.

My sister is a very busy college student, she often gets sick & when the time came when the electric bill's deadline for payment was near & we still needed money for my sister's medication, I contributed my savings for my sister's medicine & also for the better of my family.

Although I did not get the chance to buy myself a PSP, I am very happy & had no regrets because I felt proud that even though I am the youngest in the family, I was still able to help my parents & siblings with family problems like this. And also because of my sacrifice that me & my family were able to surpass yet another obstacle testing the bonds of our family.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

About Myself...

I am Anna Celina A. Desiderio. My friends call me Celina and sometimes Anna. I was born on April 21, 1996 & I am 13 yrs old.

I like to draw & someday I would also like to learn how to paint. For my pastime activities, I usually read mangas or watch anime shows.
I like playing computer games,
I enjoy eating or having picnics with my friends & family. I like eating pasta especially lasagna.
I love eating sweet things like cakes, muffins & cookies
I adore purple-colored things, I also like the colors, orange,blue & green.